We want everyone to love the place they live!


Loving where you live is more than liking the paint color in your bedroom, having the right number of bathrooms, or getting enough square footage. It’s actually very different for each person. We know each client has unique needs, wants and means, and we get excited seeing people get to a place that they love.

Our job is to help you make a good decision, not sell you a house, or convince you that you should sell your house. We are more worried about how you feel 6 months, 1 year or even 5 years later than we are about closing a deal. To make a good decision you need to know the facts and you need someone who can help you navigate your options, that’s why we’re here.

That’s why we do everything we do, so more people love where they live.

~ Reese Porter



Find out more about The Porter Group,
our mission, our methods, and the results of our decades of service.


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Got questions about Saint Louis real estate? Want to help us spread the word about STL? Ready to take the next step? You can reach out directly to us here.